Other variations on this flank include; 1.) Patches of dense Asimina in tall shrub layer with same canopy at this plot. 2.) Rocky draws with more Betula lenta and Dryopteris marginalis 3.) White oak patches. 4.) Areas with dense Toxicodendron in herb and short shrub layers.;Forest has scattered large trees, mostly red oak, with chestnut oak dominating the middle size classes and a mixture of Sassafrass, Carya, and Acer in the subcanopy. Understory is mostly woody tree saplings of the canopy species. Carya is quite uncommon on this flank as a canopy tree, but is scattered about in lower strata. This flank has several cross-slope drainages, probably formed by successive rerouting of the Appalachian Trail. Trail removal of litter and wood leads to gully erosion forming levees and channelized drainages. At first I thought theses must have been purposely dug because of distinct levees but maybe its just simple litter removal followed by erosion.
Plot represents oak dominated community on western flank of Blue Ridge on Weaverton Formation.
Appalachian trail and side trails. Exotics not abundant, probably due to acidic soils, closed canopy, and litter layer. (trails/roads, grazing/browsing)